Devlog 4: Entering Production

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the missing Dev Log last week! The original idea, although nice, was extremely risky and ambitious, and we were not even sure the end result would be worth it. Instead of continuing to work on our original idea, we decided to drop it and go back to the drawing board!
We are very happy to announce that the game we are currently developing is for sure worth it!

We've changed our idea from players fighting a monster which is blind, but can hear the players, to a free-for-all where all players are extremely hard to see, but moving around makes you visible to everyone!

Last week, we spent a lot of time making a bunch of prototypes for a variety of ideas, but in the end we settled on the one we are currently developing.
The game is about 4 players who are very hard to see. Whenever a player moves, they light up, and become visible to everyone! Players have to scare each other by sneaking up on someone and shouting loudly at them. Here's the catch: you're only able to shout once you've walked around long enough, forcing all players to move around!

Since we missed a week of production, we spent a lot of time making sure that we're able to deliver a good end-product.


Our artists have been designing the player characters, modelling them, animating them and designing multiple arenas in which the game would take place!The player character models

Right now, our artists are also working hard to come up with how to present the game to the players. This is an extremely important task, since we need to devise a visual style that doesn't clearly show where the players are, but does not leave the player completely blind either. There's a middle ground that we need to find, which our artists are working very hard to accomplish!


The programmers have also been working hard, and we designed systems to overcome certain Unreal Engine 4 difficulties, such as packaging.

This week, we made sure to focus on the player character, since it's the most vital (code-wise) for the game. We made sure to refine the playere movement, made sure the player character lights up nicely according to how fast they move, letting players attack one another, and much more.

We'll be continuing work on the player until that part is done, after which we'll start focussing on player feedback, such as sound cues, visual feedback, etc.


StayStill-v.04.7z 144 MB
Mar 21, 2022

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