Devlog 5: Finalizing the first sprint!

Hey everyone!

We've been working very hard the past few weeks on our game, and we're getting very happy with the results we're seeing!

The artists have been working hard to create props, and to make sure the lighting fits the theme of the game!

The lighting has especially been a challenge this past week. How do we make a game where the environment is dark and players are not meant to see one another, yet they all play on the same screen?

We first tried blanketing the entire level in darkness, which worked, but made it very hard to navigate around the level, since it was so dark. The next thing we came up with was to have the level be blanketed in darkness, but with the obstacles in the level highlighted. This was getting in the correct direction, but now we had the problem of players being lit up when they walked too close to any piece of the environment, which was not what we intended.

In the end, we fixed all of these issues by making the player literally invisible when they are standing still. The player only becomes visible when they move!

Sparks and Ambient Lighting in the level

We've also designed and modelled our first player character! Over the next few weeks we'll design the 3 others, but here is the first one!

This character's design is based on angler fish from the deep ocean, which we thought would explain nicely as to why they become visible and invisible!

One of the textured player characters

The player can never become fully invisible. They're always very slightly visible, and become fully visible when they move at full speed!

Player becoming invisible

The next few weeks, we will be focusing the few other mechanics we still need to implement (such as the ultimate attack), adding more animations, and more player feedback in general!

See you next week!

Files 205 MB
Mar 29, 2022

Get Stay Still

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